If you are thinking about having a Pool or Swim Spa there are many things to consider from energy efficiency to installation and more.
Installation Costs
The first expenses you’ll be exposed to for a swimming pool or swim spa are the installation costs. A swimming pool takes weeks to build and can cost anywhere from €25,000 to €100,000. A swim spa takes around one day to install, with a price tag of €12,000 to €30,000.
A basic swimming pool and a high-end swim spa will cost you around the same amount of money, so knowing which features the swim spa has and whether they’re right for your lifestyle is also important.
Safety Cover, Liner, and Shell Costs
Whether you choose a swim spa or a swimming pool, a safety cover is an essential purchase. It’s important to remember that these can be expensive, with swimming pool covers costing between €3,000 and €10,000 and swim spa covers are included and give much better Heat retention
Energy and Heating Expenses
Energy efficiency is another important consideration when choosing a swimming pool or swim spa.
Typically, swim spas are more energy efficient than swimming pools. The best insulated swim spas have advanced insulation that traps and regenerates heat from the motor, using less energy overall.
Swim spas are cheaper to run in cooler weather. They also feature hard covers that are insulated. Because these covers trap waste heat from the water, you won’t need to heat your swim spa in summer.
Swim spas have a current and massage seats
An active current is the main feature of swim spas. The current allows you to swim without hitting the end of the spa. It’s a very productive (and practical) feature for exercise. You’ll get one of the very best workouts for cardiovascular health, with a workout as challenging as you want it to be.

For further information, Tel: 912 356 287, Email: info@algarvehottubs.com or visit: www.algarvehottubs.com