The new grant is to be in force for four years, one more than the current one that ends on 22 December.

Any European Union air carrier can apply.

The grant will be paid out over the economic years 2018 to 2022, with partial values ranging between €325,000 (this year) and €2.25 million, according to the settlement.

The Trás-os-Montes region, in the northeastern corner of Portugal, had scheduled flights for 15 years with a Bragança/Vila Real/ Lisbon air link, subsidised by the European Union to the tune of €2.5 million annually.

The flights were suspended in 2012 as Brussels decided it would no longer authorise direct financing to the carrier.

In December 2014, the government announced that it would resume the same financing, but with an extended route from Bragança to Vila Real, Viseu, Cascais and Portimão.

The route is currently operated by Aero Vip, which in turn is owned by Seven Air Group, which presented the only proposal to run this link in 2015.