With the increase in fire risk with the approach of the summer and critical fire period, these are aimed at helping to keep people safe including the many tourists who are visiting Portugal.
The series comprising 11 episodes, each of around one minute covers issues such as, protecting your home; evacuation; if you are trapped indoors; if you are surrounded or near a fire etc. It is important for those living in high fire risk areas or travelling in these areas to be aware of the action to take in case you are affected. These clips can be viewed by visiting the Safe Communities website at: www.safecommunities
portugal.com – Civil Protection – Rural Fires – During Fires.
In addition several thousand leaflets have been produced in English covering the same topics. Some are being distributed through the ANPC and GNR networks, but more need to be distributed to supermarkets and other places frequented by foreigners in high fire risk areas. Organisers would like to hear therefore from volunteers to help distribute these. Please email info@safe
communitiesportugal.com or call 913045093 if you can help.