ABD causes physiological and mental disability, movement limitations and restrictions when participating in social activities. The degree will depend on several factors; type of lesion, location and extent of the injury. Recovery depends not only on these factors but also on age, other diseases, sex, and treatment by a multidisciplinary team, frequency and intensity of the rehabilitation sessions.
The World Health Organisation defines a cerebral vascular accident or stroke as “rapidly developing symptoms and/or signs of focal, and at times global, loss of cerebral function with symptoms lasting longer than 24 hours or leading to death, with no apparent reason other than that of vascular origin”.
Although the death rate due to strokes has decreased in recent years, strokes remain one of the leading causes of death in Portugal and the leading cause of dependency and disability.
Brain Traumatic Injury (BTI) on the other hand is defined as any injury to the brain. Although a decrease in the prevalence and severity of Brain Traumatic Injury (BTI) has been observed, mainly due to road improvements and occupational safety, BTI remains the main cause of mortality among young adults, especially males.
Due to the fact that the consequences of these two conditions are varied and very different but also extensive and deep, the medical and rehabilitation treatment requires the interaction of a multidisciplinary team, each treating a specific area of the disability, according to his or her professional qualifications.
These facts have also urged the scientific community to debate various points, such as which techniques and programmes are more effective in neurological rehabilitation, with the object of the patient regaining his autonomy and independence.
The intensity of the various types of therapy, both in terms of duration of each session and number of sessions, has in this context, meant greater advantages for the patient.
Longer sessions have proven better results. There is also the general consensus that the minimum time for each session should be 45 minutes per day, but should continue for longer periods, until such time that the patient can tolerate it.
The repetition of exercises or tasks, is another important aspect which is based on the Hebbian learning theory. The connections between the neurons (cells of the nervous system) are strengthened when they are activated simultaneously, thus promoting synaptic plasticity (how these cells communicate better among each other).
Thus resulting in improved functioning when walking and also when performing basic daily tasks. It is also suggested that improved functionality also has a positive outcome as far as depression and anxiety of these patients is concerned.
The HPA Health Group has a multidisciplinary team in neurological rehabilitation, working in accordance with the patient’s and the family’s needs and aspirations respecting the Golden Standard of neurological rehabilitation. During the 1st consultation and after an intensive assessment of the weaknesses, limitations and restrictions of the individual, an intensive rehabilitation plan is proposed that may be as much as 6 hours a day, 5 days a week for 8 weeks.
The results obtained and the overall satisfaction of patients and their families has been extremely positive as has been the motivation and dedication of the team, who on a daily basis investigate and analyse technological and therapeutic innovations able to offer a better quality of life, autonomy and independence to patients with ABD.

For more information, contact Hospital Particular do Algarve.