When I say “we” I'm referring to the golf college which Fiona and I set up for aspiring performance players who want to get an education in golf whilst accelerating their performance.
Everything that he delivered was totally focused around having a world-class attitude and a world-class work ethic, where you execute excellence every time. Excellence being defined as doing the very best with what you have in the moment. It sounds very simple, but you have to be relentless in the pursuit of excellence to become the epitome of excellence itself. Something our students will openly admit when they say that they want to be a Ryder Cup player, or a Major Champion.
However separating the habits they have already entrenched, from the habits of a world-class performer is a very difficult task. Habits are, after all, very difficult to break. Or to be more precise new habits, new excellent habits, take a lot of work and discipline to become permanent.
Mark Bennett can cross over all sports and business because of the simplicity of his system, where he breaks down everything into; tactical, technical, physical and mental. All four of these areas have to be worked on and have to be executed with excellence for anybody to develop to the next stage. It seems blindingly simple but if you have a look at the picture included in this article you can see the level of detail our students have produced in just one morning.
What has to be understood is that nothing can be done without the mental behaviour of the individual driving the technical, tactical and physical development. After all, without a great work ethic very little can be achieved. How many readers out there started off with some challenging New Year's resolutions and are now within two months of another set of New Year's resolutions being put in place to replace potentially the ones that weren't adhered to this year.
Once you tap into the goals and dreams of aspiring young players, incredible things can happen especially if they are placed in an environment which is stripped bare of distractions and perfectly suited to developing them as individuals and players.
Bearing in mind that the students (yes students aged between 18-21) when given the choice of when they want lectures to start in the morning, have chosen 7:30 (in the morning) so that they can get more golf training done. In addition to this commitment to an early morning start they have also agreed they need at least 9 hours sleep and the hour immediately before going to bed is to be ‘screen free’ meaning no phone, computer laptop or TV activity 60 minutes before they put their head on the pillow. These guys are going to bed earlier than they normally do and getting up a lot earlier than they ever have done for class. And they requested it.
If there are any aspiring golfers reading this article, what you may want to consider is how good are you all for major categories: behaviour, technical, tactical and physical. When I was coaching in the Algarve, everybody I coached had a desire to improve otherwise they wouldn't have been in front of me for the lessons, but very few wanted to work on their fitness and technique at the same time and even though they may have wanted to, they always found a reason not to. That's the old habits not wanting to let go and move aside for the new habits.
I hope this article, has helped put a little perspective on your golf game and if you want a lesson in our new Academy at the magnificent Tróia golf resort, I would be delighted to help you out.