My wife and I have been unfortunate in needing the Health Service, both requiring treatment for cancer. After successful operations some 6 years ago (myself) and 4 years ago (my wife), we still continue to receive very regular tests and check-ups.

More recently, I developed cataracts, and this week spent some time at the Hospital Litoral do Alentejo. On Monday I had blood tests, chest X-ray and heart monitoring, all done within three hours. Tuesday I had a Covid test, with only 20 minutes spent there. Wednesday, I was measured for a lens and then operated in the day surgery unit, in and out in 3 hours. The following day I had a check up with the surgeon, and the day after I was telephoned to see that everything was OK. Cost for all this – zero.

Are we odd, or just lucky?

Bob Hardman
Baixo Alentejo