In the introductory text of the legislation sent to parliament, the President of the Republic states that "the future must be planned in stages, based on the recommendations of experts and on objective data, such as the risk matrix, with more tests and more screening, to be successful".

Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa thinks that it is necessary to maintain the state of emergency to "allow the Government to continue to take the most appropriate measures to combat this phase of the pandemic", but asks the executive to "also approve the indispensable support measures "to families and businesses, including non-repayable support.

This is the 12th declaration of a state of emergency that Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa submits for authorisation from parliament in the current covid-19 pandemic.

In the draft decree, identical to the one currently in force, it is also now specified that any eventual definition of noise limits is the responsibility of the Government through decree-law.

In the chapter on restrictions on face-to-face education, it is reiterated that "a phased reopening plan should be defined based on objective criteria and respecting public health purposes".

The current state of emergency period ends at 23:59 on Monday, 1 March. This renewal will take effect in the period between 02 and 16 March.