Goats were among the first animals to be
domesticated over 10,000 years ago, with well over 200 domestic breeds now bred
in the world. Goats play a major role both in commercial and independent
farming, particularly in tropical, subtropical and Mediterranean regions where
they are crucial for the supply of meat, milk, fibre and even dung.
Usually goats are docile, even in the wild,
but will protect themselves by kicking, fainting, or head-butting predators.
They also have a secret talent few people know about - they are powerful and
fast swimmers! Male goats, called bucks or billys, usually have a beard, females
are called does or nannys, and their young are called kids. They are ruminants
(chew their cud), with special four-compartment stomachs especially designed to
digest roughage such as grass, hay and silage. They have cloven hooves, meaning
that the hoof is split into two main hooves that work independently of each
Goats Don’t Eat Everything!
Goats have a reputation for eating
everything, including tin cans, but this is untrue. If they chew on a can, they
probably aren’t actually chewing on the metal but more likely eating the label
and the glue on the label - the label is like eating leaves off a tree and the
glue is a sweet treat to them. When it comes to normal foraging, they won’t eat
just any old thing, but can be rather fussy, picky eaters, and can be
meticulous about what type of weeds, grasses and hay they will consume.
Goats and Fire
It’s common to see herds of goats slowly
munching their way through the beautiful Portuguese countryside but they can
have a crucial role - by eating the dry vegetation in rural regions, they could
help create firebreaks, thus aiding protection against the spread of forest
fires. June this year marked five years since the deadliest fires on
record in Portugal, responsible for 66 deaths around the town of Pedrógão
Grande alone. Part of Portugal’s problem, as in other southern European
countries, is that inland villages have shed their populations, and the absence
of shepherds, goatherds and farmers has left forest lands overgrown, allowing
fires to spread and burn faster. Steep slopes are out of reach for a tractor
and are very costly to tend by hand, particularly for an ageing population.
Goat food facts
Goat production in Portugal is around
32,000 farms, and 420,000 animals have been identified, which translates to an
average of 13 animals per farm. Goat farms reveal a greater milk tendency than
sheep farms, and Portugal’s most famous goat’s cheese is Serra da Estrela
cheese - famous for its creamy texture and intense smell. It hails from
the highest mountain range in mainland Portugal, an area traditionally known
for pastoral farming. Goat meat is healthier than other meats, having around
two-thirds the calories of beef and three-quarters the calories of chicken. It
also has a third of the fat of pork and less than half the fat of chicken. The
best of flavours come out when they are slow-cooked, with the taste and
flavours changing as the goat matures. Young goats taste the best with tender
meat and a less ‘gamey’ taste.
The Serrana breed is the most important
indigenous goat breed from Portugal and furthermore was exported to other
regions of the world, notably South America during Portuguese
The six most popular Portugal goats are Cabrito
das Terras Altas do Minho, Cabrito do Alentejo, Cabrito da Gralheira,
Cabrito de Barroso, Cabrito da Beira and lastly Cabrito
Around the world, goat meat is the most
widely consumed red meat, and worldwide, goat’s milk is even more popular than
cow's milk, with one goat producing an average of a gallon and a half of milk a
day - more than enough in a developing country for one family - takes up less
space and needs less food than a cow. Goat’s milk is less likely to cause
lactose intolerance and is easier to digest than cow’s milk, it contains less
fat and is naturally homogenised. The popularity shows no signs of slowing down
either. Goat is the fastest growing segment of the worldwide livestock
Marilyn writes regularly for The Portugal News, and has lived in the Algarve for some years. A dog-lover, she has lived in Ireland, UK, Bermuda and the Isle of Man.

hi Marilyn Queijo da Serra is expensive sheep cheese
By Álvaro Nunes from Lisbon on 26 Sep 2022, 10:00
Goats and orher animals are very important in the survival of human beings, we as humans need to be always reminded of this since our precious food and water sources are not infinite.
By Lisa from Other on 26 Sep 2022, 12:19