The images of Serra da Estrela, captured today (18 November), were shared on Twitter by the Meteo Trás-os-Montes group.

In the video, the highest point of mainland Portugal can be seen covered in snow.

To view the full video click here.

Thanks, Andres Altuve! That did work to limit the height — but I changed it so that it is 4 tweets that show (so that the size is correct) but there's no way to see more (no scrolling down to see more on the feed).

I have seen some widgets that don't have a scrollbar featured and are compact in size, but you can still scroll internally through the feed by placing your cursor inside the widget and scrolling (usually using a mouse roller thing or your laptop's trackpad). Any idea how to do this? I like the design without the scrollbar, but want people to be able to be able to scroll through.

Also, do you know if I have to add the code you included to each style sheet? The template I am working with has about 6 style sheets (which seems strange?), including one called style-mobile.css. Would I need to put this into each one?

Will embedded Tweets adapt to my responsive site?

An embedded Tweet will adjust to the width of its containing element when inserted into a page. An embedded Tweet requires a minimum width of 220 pixels and will fill up to 550 horizontal pixels.

How can I create an Embedded Tweet of a consistent height?

A basic embedded Tweet includes Tweet text up to 140 characters in length, author information, a timestamp, and Tweet actions. An embedded Tweet shows the previous Tweet in a conversation and photos, a video, or a link preview associated with the Tweet by default. Set conversation and cards parameters to false to limit Tweet display to just its basic formatting.

In addition to the snow, according to Meteo Trás-os-Montes, strong wind is also being felt in Serra da Estrela.