The prestigious international festival presented its awards this past weekend, at the Labia Theatre in Cape Town. Films, documentaries and television programs from 59 countries participated in the competition. The jury included delegates from many countries. All the works presented on the big screen, on the Mother City of South Africa, promote an area, region or country in a creative way and 'Cordas' continues to collect accolades from around the world, now with 25 international prizes, from Europe to Oceania and this one from Africa.

Accompanied by the Consul of Portugal in Cape Town, Dr. Jorge Teixeira de Sampayo, the producer Terry Costa received the prize from the hands of the directors of ITFFA, Caroline Ungersbock and James Byrne.

Credits: Supplied Image; Author: MiratecArts;

"Portugal is proud to be part of these international festivals," said Consul Teixeira at the event, congratulating the participating Portuguese productions, "but, even more importantly, when our national talents are awarded by the international community. Portugal is to be congratulated. You are to be congratulated and I only hope that you continue to produce."

The next goal for the artistic director of MiratecArts and producer of the film is to get television and streaming channels to present the documentary, in order to reach a larger audience. "It's a big investment of time and work, but a necessary one, to reach out to the right audience," says Terry Costa. "This work is going around the world, to many places that I've never been to. Our best audience is the one that sees the documentary and communicates with MiratecArts, comes to visit the Azores, especially the island of Pico, and our outdoor gallery home, because of the film. And this is happening more and more."

The documentary produced by MiratecArts, with image and editing by Diogo Rola, has already been exhibited in 120 festivals, in more than 40 countries, and continues to tour. 'Cordas' has screenings scheduled for this month of May in Portugal, Italy, New Zealand, and several countries in the Middle East and Asia, with special emphasis on India, a country that has already presented the film in 18 cities.