It started out as a trip to see the sites but ended up very much more. It was a journey which tested me both physically and emotionally. The routes to some of the places, especially the caves where people have gathered for centuries for inspiration, guidance, and upliftment were up steep, slippery tracks and I needed to scramble on my bottom to access them! (Not very dignified!).


The shifts I felt were very intense and I have come back with a new insight into myself and who I am and who I can be and I would like to pass these new perceptions on to you.

I have become aware of the need to live unapologetically and to be true to myself. By living authentically, we can access higher parts of ourselves, and more opportunities will come our way, as we are living in alignment with the energy/ universe/ creator.

By giving ourselves permission to be everything we want to be, we are allowing ourselves to follow our dreams and goals without fear of failure. When you face the idea of failure head-on, you realise it doesn’t have any power over you- it’s part of life, you just pick yourself up, brush yourself down and carry on. By releasing the fear of not succeeding, you are growing your wings in order to fly! After that, there’s no limits to the wondrous things you can achieve!

Credits: Supplied Image; Author: Sally Hinchcliffe;


It also dawned on me, that in order to flourish, we need nourishment. This can come from different sources, but one of the most powerful is connecting with your own cheer squad- people who see the best in you and know how amazing you are and have always got your back. These people can be found in the form of family, if we’re lucky, or friends or even people from your sports club or church. If we can find our tribe, our support network, it makes life so much easier and fulfilling.

Nourishment can also come from us giving ourselves permission for our needs to be met- if you need a nap on your day off, take one, if you don’t want to go to a party because you’re too tired, allow yourself to stay home. Denying ourselves what we need to regulate, stay well and be happy will have a detrimental effect on us and eventually, our physical and mental health will pay the price.

What I’ve mentioned here isn’t anything new, it’s more of a new slant on what we all know already, but when looking at these ideas in this way, they have become all the more powerful to me.

I truly hope that you find some of these insights useful and enable you to live unapologetically during this month and always.


Sally saw Angels as a child and could occasionally see and feel people who had passed over. This ability grew as she got older and she now gives readings, as well as channelling Ascended Masters. She often works with Mary Magdalene and channels information from Lord Kuthumi. She is available for readings and spiritual development sessions both online and in person (heaven2heart). 

Sally Hinchcliffe