More than one thousand visitors immediately went browsing and more are logging on each day to have access to a wide variety of products and services relevant to their needs – all in one place.

Visitors can peruse the site at their leisure, 24 hours a day. No reason to travel; no reason to social distance; every reason to visit! Don’t miss out on the many promotions and special offers available, just click to go there before it is too late.

Over 100 businesses eagerly welcomed this opportunity to be there for you and more have joined the site as the week has progressed. All combine to provide a broad range of lifestyle solutions that can help everyone to return to some sort of normality, relaxed in the knowledge that they are back in touch with specialists and professionals that will cater for their needs. The Portugal News is there of course!

Sponsored by Medal Insurance, the Exhibition is strongly supported by the Algarve Regional Tourism Board.

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