“I voted to stay in the European Union (EU), but I am not voting in this election, I am disillusioned with politics,” Graham Read, a British pensioner living in the Algarve for three and a half years, told Lusa news agency

Read is hoping the election will be “neutral”, with no big results for both sides, prompting Boris Johnson to reinstate the EU agreement in Parliament, forcing a second referendum he believes , which will be "in favour of staying in Europe".

Even the polls, which give the current Prime Minister a margin of victory, do not hinder him, revealing confidence in a rise in the popularity of the Labour Party with “election day approaching”.

The same confidence is shown by a trio of other Brits, but they are expecting victory for the Conservative party, led by Boris Johnson.

The three Conservative supporters are unanimous in their feelings towards the leader of the Labour party: “Definitely not Corbyn!”

Of the three friends who chose the Algarve to retire, only two will vote on December 12 - one because they are returning to North London this week and the other by post

George, Tony and Alfredo say much of the population is "terrified" at the idea that the Labour Party will win the election, believing it will be bad for the British economy and its economy as it intends to "renationalise big business".

In this sense, they argue that conservatives have to get the majority and "push Brexit forward" to get out of the European Union and be able to re-control immigration and fisheries, no longer being "stuck" with European laws.

Assuming agreement with the idea of ??a Common Market, a reality existing at the time of the British entry into the European project, the trio disagrees with the current path of a “federal European” vision.

Another British expat, Steve, tells Lusa: "Here the division is 50/50, as in the United Kingdom", adding "it would be stupid to leave".