Brussels proposed a 50% cut for horse mackerel in the Total Allowable Catches (TAC) in zone IX - Portuguese continental waters - to 46,659 tonnes, following the recommendation of experts on pelagic species (living in schools).

Hake catches should also be cut overall by 20% next year to keep stocks in good shape.

For flounder, the European Commission proposed a 40% reduction, including in Portuguese waters, for lobster, a 23% reduction and a 20% reduction for plaice TAC.

Pollack (-10%) and anglerfish (-3%) are the species for which a smaller reduction in catches was recommended.

On the other hand, considering the positive assessment of the stocks, the Commission pointed to a 30% increase in haddock catches and a 12% increase in megrim catches.

The limits for horse mackerel fishing in the waters of the Azores and Madeira are set by Portugal.

The Brussels proposals will be discussed, amended and adopted by EU fisheries ministers in December at a meeting usually characterised by a negotiating marathon.