This "significant discrepancy", from 44 to 124 LAW, is referred in the amendments to the final report of the Parliamentary Committee of Inquiry to the theft of military material from Tancos on June 2017, and the party proposed that, in the conclusions, this difference is expressed.

The list of the war material stolen in Tancos and recovered by the military police in October 2017 sent to the Parliamentary defence committee, reported by Lusa on 30 October, and then transferred to the Committee of Inquiry, mentioned "44 grenade rocket of 66 mm" and also confirmed five grenades and more than 30 loads of explosives are still to be recovered.

Now, the CDS cited information from the national director of the military police, as part of the minutes of a meeting of the Anti-Terrorist Coordination Unit (UCAT), from 18 July 2018, with different numbers - 124.

The party suggested that the commission concludes that "it was found that there was a significant discrepancy between the material actually recovered and the list of stolen material, communicated by the Army, as well as the list of recovered material, delivered by the police to the Public Prosecutor’s Office, on 29 June 2018, namely the grenade launchers, between the initial 44, and the 124 referred to in the minutes of the UCAT.

A first meeting was scheduled for Tuesday morning to start analysing and voting the report and amendments proposed by the parties, in this case, the Social Democratic Party, the Left Bloc, the Portuguese Communist Party and the CDS.

The Parliamentary Committee of Inquiry into the political consequences and responsibilities for the theft of military material in Tancos has been working since November 2018, and the vote on the report has already been scheduled in the parliament for 3 July, the last act of the investigation into the case that made the Chief of Staff of the Army Rovisco Duarte and the minister of national defense Azeredo Lopes stand down.

The theft of a major cache of weapons, explosives and ammunition was announced by the army on 29 June 2017. The news raised fears that the material might have been stolen to order and that it could fall into the hands of terror groups.

Four months later, the military police revealed that the stolen material had appeared at Chamusca, 20 km from Tancos and that they had worked with members of the civilian polce force in Loulé, in the Algarve, to recover it.

The process of recovering the military material led to a judicial investigation in which several people were detained, including the now-former director of the PJM Luís Vieira.