Portugal will this year see the greatest advance in its history in coverage of Portuguese with family doctors,” the minister said. “By the end of the year, we shall go from ... 1.2 million Portuguese without a family doctor to just 600,000.”
In the field of primary healthcare, Fernandes said his aim is to end the current parliament with good-quality health centres where professionals have adequate working conditions and where patients have their own family health unit, with a nurse and doctor, enabling hospitals to concentrate on urgent acute care.
Fernandes was speaking in Mafra during the signing ceremony for two contracts that are to see the local municipality receiving the resources and responsibilities to build two new health centres in the area, at a cost of some €3 million.
Number without GPs to be halved
By TPN/Lusa, in News · 14 Jul 2016, 11:50 · 0 Comments