"Every year our country is faced with a very high rate of dog abandonment, with summer being the season with the most dramatic numbers. Although there is no room for any justification for this act, the difficulties families have in bringing their pets with them on holiday tends to underlie the problem," said PAN in a statement.

In this sense, PAN considers the commitment to raise society´s awareness of this problem, of high importance but also to create conditions in which it is possible for people to have their pets present in their lives, especially during moments of relaxation and leisure.

“Families want to be accompanied by their pet during the holidays without worrying about how they will react in the absence of their owners and we know that many stop eating and get sick” says Susana Santos, member of the Faro District Political Commission.

When it comes to the Algarve area there are other factors that could be added to this equation: the local economy depends heavily on the amount collected in the tourism sector and the fact that visitors can be accompanied by their animal is a factor in their satisfaction and for the Algarve region.

Susana Santos clarifies that “the growing number of messages from citizens that PAN has received to denounce this situation is a reflection of the deep dissatisfaction felt by both the inhabitants of the region and those who visit us, and many of them stated that they will choose another destination for next year given the intolerance they have felt.”