The People Animals Nature (PAN) party is calling on Lagoa Town Hall to consider the Lagoa wetlands a protected zone. The request comes in the wake of a study published by the Almagem Association which highlighted the wetland’s rich and unique ecosystem.

According to PAN, the Almargem study replaces a previous flawed document claiming that the wetlands were “deprived of avifauna value”. The party also says that the Lagoa Town Hall has been making decisions, especially those of construction licensing in the area in question, based on this old document that “lacks validation from the scientific community”. Consequently, decision maker’s knowledge must be updated and issues related to the wetlands reconsidered.

On a document sent to the Government, PAN demanded to know if the Minister for the Environment and Energy Transition (MATE) thought there was still no evidence to officially protect the Lagoa wetlands, and if MATE considered such evidence to be sufficient to trigger a new evaluation from the Institute for the Nature and Forest Conservation.