At the end of October, of the 59 reservoirs monitored, three had levels over 80% of the total volume and 30 above 40%.

On the last day of November and compared to the last day of the previous month, there was an increase in the volume stored in eight river basins and a decrease in four.

The Tagus, Sado, Guadiana, Mira, Ribeiras do Algarve and Ribeiras do Oeste basins were the only ones, at the end of November, with average storage values below the average (1990/91 to 2018/19).

The Ave and Mondego basins had the highest volume of water stored, 86.2% and 76.3%, respectively, while the Barlavento (Western Algarve) and Sado basins had 29.3% and 25.1%, respectively.

Each river basin may contain more than one reservoir.