According to AML, 218,000 Navegante passes were sold in May, according to provisional figures obtained by analysing the sales made between 26 April and 22 May.
This data indicates “a significant resumption in the use of the public passenger transport service” at AML, since in May more than 152,000 Navegantes Metropolitano were sold (compared to 48,000 sold in April) and 37,000 Navegantes + 65 (in April they had sold 13,000).
According to the AML, “the largest percentage increase was registered, however, in municipal Navegante passes”, having sold in May “around 23,000 Navegante Lisbon passes, which means an increase of 481 percent compared to April, and 7,000 Navigators from other municipalities, which corresponds to an increase of 223 percent”.
In April, 4,000 Navegante Municipal Lisboa passes and 2,000 from other Municipal Navegantes were sold.
The sale of passes in the first quarter of 2020 maintained a growth trend from previous quarters, compared to the same periods in 2019, which was broken in April, with falls in the sales of Navegante passes in the order of 91 percent (about 67,700 passes were sold), as a consequence ofthe state of emergency and mandatory confinement.