A very
enjoyable afternoon was spent in the company of members from the Lodge who
presented Madrugada Association with a donation of €1000. Pierre Caeiro
(Worshipful Master of the Lodge of Discoveries) made the presentation of this
very welcome donation to John Hough (President of Madrugada Association).
Mr. Hough thanked the Lodge of Discoveries for their ongoing support to Madrugada. In his remarks, he stated that “Madrugada and the patients and their loved ones whom we support are fortunate to have such generous supporters like the Lodge of Discoveries who make donations to our cause either because they have directly benefited from the services we provide or know what a profound difference we make to patients at end of life. Every donation helps – from the €1 change that someone puts into a collection jar to the €10, €400, or €1.000 that are raised on behalf of Madrugada by independent fundraising efforts.

Madrugada is based in the Algarve, with a support centre in Luz and four charity shops (Lagos, Lagoa, Ferreiras, and Luz) which generate revenue to support its activities. Madrugada offers “hospice at home” end-of-life care and support to patients and their loved ones. The Association is run by a wonderful team of volunteers and supporters who give their time, energy, and expertise to enable Madrugada to provide its services, free of charge. As always, everything we do is for the benefit of our patients and our ability to provide our hospice-at-home services free of charge. Our goal in the coming years is the develop this vital community service across the whole of the Algarve. "Because You Care, We Can".