A concert at nightfall in a quarry, a medieval bridge covered with tapestry, shows in the castle, or an artistic installation of a 230-million-year-old salt mine, are just some of the attractions with free entry of this program that will be running until September. It aims to promote the Algarve’s UNESCO World Geopark, and get the public to know its emblematic Geosites. The cultural events will take place at 10 different Geosites, and other unusual sites, that develops the project GeoPalcos Art, Science and Nature. They plan to reinforce and enriches the cultural programming in the territory. It is an event that aims to be biannual, through the collaboration and participation of the population, which connects art, science and nature. Artists and scientists were challenged to think of the territory as a place of creation, thought, restlessness and wonder.

On June 26, Silves will receive "Fado & Blues, the Wedding in the Quarry" by Vítor Bacalhau and Ricardo Martins, a project to merge identity music from two countries on different sides of the Atlantic Ocean, which also has a multimedia show by the students of Silves Secondary School. On 2 July, at the Medieval Paderne Bridge, the Outdoor Installation "ALGARVENSIS" / Tapestry will be inaugurated by the artist Vanessa Barragão. All events are free entry and available upon capacity. To consult the whole program please visit their website at www.geoparquealgarvensis.pt.


The programmed shows are based on the intersection of visual arts, performative arts and music, as well as the dialogues between tradition and creativity and innovation, enhancing the (re)discovery of gastronomy, territory and people. On-site performances, interactive installations, experience courses, exhibitions, disciplinary intersections with manual arts, theatrical creations, concerts, workshops and training, among other cultural and artistic offerings, produced by local artists, aim to motivate nature lovers, arts aficionados and the general public.

It is recalled that the aspirant Algarvian Geopark Loulé-Silves-Albufeira will be the only Geopark south of the Tagus River and occupies a total of 1,381km2, about a third of the Algarve territory, where a geological heritage pre-appears of dinosaurs so unique and so relevant that it allows to tell several chapters of the history of the planet Earth. "The application for UNESCO World Geopark came after the important paleontological heritage, which in recent years has revealed in the formation of the Silves stoneware. It all started with the discovery of Metoposaurus Algarve (227 million years old), a unique species of giant salamander more than 2 meters long that gives its name to this Geopark", explains Cristina Veiga-Pires, Scientific Director of the Geopark. Today it is already possible to visit some of the Geosites identified and still discover the culture, nature, people and gastronomy that surround them, in an immersive journey to the interior of this Algarve where the DNA of the whole region resides.