“We are going to ask the Portuguese authorities to do more [in the fight against corruption], in relation to the allocating of resources and training and specialisation of the police authorities”, says Didier Reynders in an interview with the Lusa News Agency, in Brussels.
"We are certain that the legal framework exists, but there are limitations to an efficient fight against corruption and this is due to the lack of resources and expertise of the police authorities", said Didier Reynders.
The 2020 Report on the rule of law states that, in Portugal, “the legal and penal framework to combat corruption is already in place”, and “a national strategy to combat corruption is also being drawn up”.
However, according to the document, the “different political and legislative responses constitute a patchwork”, in addition to “the lack of resources and expertise of the police”.
That report also mentions that “the Portuguese judicial system continues to present some deficiencies in terms of efficiency, namely in the administrative and tax courts” and, on this issue, Didier Reynders argues that Portugal should increase digital tools.
“It is very important that all countries pay attention to the digitalization of the judicial system. I hope that this is not only a priority for Portugal, but also for all Member States”, said Didier Reynders to Lusa.