Golden Future
We are rapidly approaching a new Golden Age when everyone will feel safe and totally trust their angels to look after them. We will all listen to and heed warnings whispered by our Guardian Angels. Most important of all as we keep our frequencies high nothing can impact on us.
Protect you for your Highest Good
Unless it
is your time to die or you need an accident as a wake-up call your angel will
protect you. I knew an elderly lady who had just had an operation on her
back. It was very weak and painful, so when she visited a friend who
lived in a first-floor apartment, she leant against the rail of the balcony for
support. It gave way and she fell! As she did so she felt wings
holding her. She landed so softly on the ground below that she did not
even jolt her back.
I am often
asked why the angels do not prevent an accident from happening in which someone
is hurt. The angels will only ever do that which is for the highest
good. For example, if you are very angry you may find yourself in a
collision. Your angel will not prevent the accident for the resultant
time in hospital, resting and recovering gives you the opportunity to
re-examine your life. During this time they will whisper a higher
perspective to you to help you dissolve your anger.
However, if you do not need the lesson, your angel will protect you. I tell
this story in New Light on Angels. Barry had been working tremendously
long hours to maintain his business. His wife had left and he had two young
daughters to support and care for. Night after night he drove home in a
state of exhaustion, hardly able to keep his eyes open. One evening the
inevitable happened and, just before he reached a busy major roundabout, he
fell asleep at the wheel. When he opened his eyes with a start, he had negotiated
the roundabout and was driving down the road. In the seat beside him sat an
angel, holding the steering wheel and guiding the car. As soon as he woke and
saw her, the angel disappeared, leaving him feeling amazed and awed.
Before you incarnate, your soul decides how long your
life will be, whether it is weeks, a few years or to a hundred. People
will often wait for a particular date to pass over when there is a cosmic
current that will sweep them to their next destination on the other side.
I was particularly intrigued when I received a
photograph of a young man with his new motorbike. He was surrounded by
Archangel Michael’s blue Orbs of protection. I thought how well he was
being looked after, as indeed he was. He died a few weeks later and I was
told that his personality on Earth loved life and lived it to the full.
However, his soul knew that he had work to do on the other side and
unconsciously he was so excited about it that he was in danger of leaving
before his time. So, dozens of Angels were dispatched to protect him
until then.
Invocation for Archangel Gabriel’s
Say clearly and with intention, ‘I now invoke the mighty Archangel Gabriel to place a ball of his pure white, reflective light around me for my total protection. So be it. It is done.’
Then visualise the light bring
placed round you. All lower frequencies will then bounce off you.
Archangel Michael’s blue Cloak of
Ask Archangel Michael to place his
Cloak of Protection round you. See or sense it in place over you with the hood
drawn up over your head.
Diana Cooper
Cooper’s spiritual journey started 40 years ago with an angelic visitation and
she has worked with Angels ever since. She has written 33 books
translated into 28 languages.
She has
travelled world-wide sharing inspiration from the higher realms and now teaches
regular on-line courses. She founded the Diana Cooper School of White
Light, a not for profit organisation offering spiritual teaching courses
throughout the world.
Diana Cooper’s spiritual journey started 40 years ago with an angelic visitation and she has worked with Angels ever since. She has written 33 books translated into 28 languages.
She has travelled world-wide sharing inspiration from the higher realms and now teaches regular on-line courses. She founded the Diana Cooper School of White Light, a not-for-profit organisation offering spiritual teaching courses throughout the world.