He has been providing dentures for over 35 years and has a wealth of experience in England, Portugal and Spain where he gained his license to exclusively provide Flexite dentures in the Algarve using the T-VAL injection system.
Here he explains the process of making a flexible denture in a simplified format.
Firstly,details are discussed as to the specific needs or changes to current denture, as well as benefits to new denture wearers.
Factors could be due to ill fitting, incorrect shade, colour of teeth used, function, lip support etc.
The clinician then takes initial upper and lower impressions of the mouth.These are cast in a pourable stone material. The hard stone models are then studied and a design is drawn on them replicating the shape of the denture and where undercuts and rests are located,which helps in the superb fit and comfort of the denture.
Wax blocks, in the shape of the denture, are made on these models.The wax blocks are warmed and used to determine the correct bite, i.e. relationship between the upper and lower jaw.
Light cured special trays are also constructed using the initial models and more impressions are taken of the mouth using these light cured trays.These impressions are then cast in hard stone and used to make the finished dentures.
The shape and colour of teeth are accurately chosen.The hard stone models,with the wax blocks seated in place, are then mounted on an apparatus called an articulator, again in stone. A wax try-in is then constructed using the chosen teeth, individually crafted in the wax pattern, and the design shape chosen. Missing gumwork is also replaced in the wax. Artistic skills and a keen eye are needed here. Lip support is restored greatly improving appearance and smile.The wax try-in is returned to the clinician. This procedure mimics the finished denture, but in wax.
The denture wearer and clinician being satisfied with the try-in, agree to proceed to the final finish date and insertion of the flexible denture.
Flexident Algarve is situated in Silves town centre,with ample parking.
Gavet Ruas Cruz de Portugal e Jose Falcao.Loja 4. 8300-166, Silves.
Open Mon-Fri 9am - 6pm.

For further information, Tel: 282442302; tlm:916717113, email: flexidentalgarve@
gmail.com or visit: www.flexidentalgarve.com