Duvets have
apparently been around for centuries - sources from archaeological digs suggest
that the Chinese were the first to invent them around 5,000 years ago –
although this is difficult to confirm. Now the duvet has become an
essential bedding item within Europe and the UK, and the days of blankets,
bedspreads or sheets are gone – although in the hot summer months here in
Portugal you might want to go back to a sheet alone.
When I was
a child, duvets hadn’t been invented. We had piles of blankets, sometimes
grandad’s greatcoat over your feet, and an ‘eiderdown’ that just fitted over
the top of the bed, which would teasingly poke the odd feather through the
fabric, which, with a child’s natural curiosity, I couldn’t resist pulling
through – but it wasn’t a proper ‘eiderdown’, just a feather filled coverlet.
The word
duvet is French, meaning ‘down’ – the downy first feathers of young
birds. Its first known mention in English came in 1759 when Samuel
Johnson used it in one of ‘The Idler’ series of essays, but the first person to
try to bring duvets to the UK was an eminent English traveller called Paul
Rycaut, who tried (and failed) to introduce the duvet in around 1700. He
sent his friends 2.7 kilos bags of down, explaining that ‘the coverlet must be
quilted high and in large panes, or otherwise it will not be warm (sic).
Sixty years later Samuel Johnson described an unusual advertisement for: ‘some
Duvets for bed-coverings, of down ... warmer than four or five blankets, and
lighter than one’. They still didn't catch on until 100 years later, when
the ‘eiderdown quilt’ was starting to become better known.
can only be called that if the ‘down’ in it contains feathers from the eider
duck, although the word has come to denote almost any quilted bedspread. Since
this down is harvested by hand from vacated nests, it is in short supply, which
is why a modern king-size ‘eiderdown’ duvet could cost a fortune. Why is eiderdown so expensive? It takes around 50-70 nests to make 1 kg of eiderdown --
involving dozens of hours of manual labour.
have followed the sustainable practice of eiderdown farming for over 1000
years. They have created special sanctuaries to protect the birds from
predators during summer, and when they return to the sea, ducklings in tow,
they leave their precious eiderdown behind - so soft, it’s practically weightless,
being unlike any other material on the planet. Due to its springy,
compression-resistant nature, it can retain its shape and insulating properties
for decades. Free from hard quills or feathers, eiderdown is softer, more
insulating and more resilient than the finest white goose down. Unlike
other sources of duck and goose down, which are byproducts of the meat industry
or inhumane live-plucking practices, eiderdown is voluntarily left behind by
the birds.
Modern-day duvets
The duvet
really started to catch on in Britain in the 1970s, where it was known as the
‘Continental Quilt’. In 1964, the founder of Habitat, Sir Terence Conran,
made the bold decision to import duvets from Sweden to the UK. Very soon the
concept caught on, and they were marketed as the ’10 second bed’ and gained
huge popularity due to their convenience and comfort. (Mind you, changing the
cover on one probably extends that time to 10 minutes!).
Now duvets
now come in all shapes and sizes, with many fillings and thicknesses to choose
from. People with allergies now have access to anti-allergy duvets, as there
are plenty of different synthetic fibres and downs to choose from.
And what
are togs?
TOG stands
for Thermal Overall Grade and is a unit of measurement for insulation and warmth,
and simply, the lower the TOG rating the lighter the fabric, the higher the
rating, the more padded and insulated it is for warmth.
The lowest are
1 - 4.5 tog - excellent for warmer days, particularly in the summer, 7 - 10.5
tog, being best for those middle seasons such as autumn and spring, and 12-15
tog being divine for really cold winter nights!
Marilyn writes regularly for The Portugal News, and has lived in the Algarve for some years. A dog-lover, she has lived in Ireland, UK, Bermuda and the Isle of Man.