After an audience with the president of the Government of the Azores, in Ponta Delgada, the consul reiterated that Portugal “continues to be very important” to the United States, as is the Lajes base.

“It remains a geo-strategically important base and we have a strong connection with the Portuguese military there. And that’s not going to change,” she declared.

Margaret C. Campbell began her duties on July 1st as US consul in the Azores, a consulate formally created in 1795, being the oldest US diplomatic representation.

Noting that she hopes to visit the nine islands of the archipelago during the three years of the consulate, the US representative in the Azores noted that, “for now”, she is “delighted with São Miguel”.

“I am also here to maintain the existing relationship between my country and Portugal and especially with the Azores”, she pointed out.