Located on top of a hill in the Sintra-Cascais National Park is a very mysterious megalithic site looking out directly at the most western tip of the European landmass.

Anta de Adrenunes

Before we get to the site itself, a few words about Sintra. The name of which comes from the Lusitanian and Celtic Moon Goddess, Cynthia. It is interesting to note here that one of the oldest civilizations we know of, the Sumerians, called their moon goddess “Sin”. In this original form, the word actually referred to “shine, give light and sacredness”. It is curious how this word changed meanings to refer to “moral undoing” in later times.

I bring this up. Because Anta de Adrenunes is deeply connected to both, the moon and the divine feminine. Before we get to that, however, let us first look at the official explanation given to this site.

From the mainstream historical narrative, Anta de Adrenunes is perhaps simply a modeled natural rock formation or a funerary place. Even though, excavations carried out as early as 1871 have shown no traces of funerary customs. In 1910 it was even elevated to a national monument. As such, it is bizarre why a geodesic marker was placed at the very top of it. (see cylinder-shaped block in the photograph)

Now to the connection of Anta de Adrenunes to the moon. Which can be derived from the location in Sintra, the alignment of the portal to the sunset and the mythical folklore attributed to it.

To which I was introduced when first visiting this site back in 2022. I met a local who shared with me that it used to be an ancient ritual temple and showed me something that made his story very convincing.

At the back of the structure lies hidden a small hole between the rocks, that, if descended down upon leads to a tight, yet manageable path winding outward into the main portal. During full moon nights, one may therefore participate here in one of the oldest ritual concepts in the world. Rebirth. Descending into the hole symbolizing the conception. The tunnel representing the womb and the portal at the exit marking the thighs of a woman.

It is often a mystery how our ancestors have built stone circles, pyramids and structures like Antes de Adrenunes. Yet perhaps the more important task is to understand and feel why they did. And even if their answer has long been forgotten. Our answer is just starting to get clearer.

I would like to ask anyone who decides to visit this site, to keep it clean and treat it with respect. If there is a wish to do the ritual for yourself, pick a full moon that resonates with you. Get naked and be reborn just as you came into the world by the Mother of Earth itself.


Also known as DaStarchild. He is a creator exploring ancient history, philosophy, and spirituality. Filip is a free-spirited documentarist that travels around the world to discover himself and the mysteries of life. 

"As Within, So Without"

Filip Strüven