Proposed by the municipal group of the Partido da Terra - MPT, the motion asks the Government that, following the example of what happens in the public transport company CP - Comboios de Portugal, “all people aged 65 or over can enjoy a 50% discount on the price of transport tickets for occasional journeys on Carris and the Metro”.

At the meeting of the Lisbon Municipal Assembly (AML), the motion was made possible with votes against from PSD, IL, CDS-PP and Chega, abstention from PEV and Aliança, and votes in favor from BE, Livre, PCP, deputy independent Daniela Serralha (elected by the PS/Livre coalition), PS, PAN and MPT.

The sole MPT deputy, José Inácio Faria, justified the defense of this measure “for a matter of justice and equity”, so that “no one is left behind”, highlighting that the same thing already occurs in CP.

Despite highlighting free public transport for residents and elderly people living in the city of Lisbon, the MPT elected official defended a 50% discount on the cost of occasional trips for those aged 65 or over, extending to those who are not resident in Lisbon or who have not subscribed to the Navegante pass.

Against the MPT proposal, IL deputy Rodrigo Mello Gonçalves criticized the way it is presented, since the company Metropolitano de Lisboa is the responsibility of the Government, but Carris is the responsibility of the Lisbon City Council.

Rodrigo Mello Gonçalves also said that IL's position is that "public support should be directed to those who really need it, to those who have difficulties, to those who do not have resources, and not to a certain segment of the population just because they have more or less 'x' years".

“These proposals for free education based on age are mistaken and are even socially unfair [...]. There is no such thing as free transport, what there is, is subsidised transport […] Where certain people do not pay will be covered by everyone’s taxes”, explained the IL deputy.