In hopes of raising awareness about climate change “Kalon Surf” a Costa Rican surf camp and resort, analysed coastal destinations to find out which ones are fighting climate change to save their beaches and which ones are not.
Portugal is one of the top five surf destinations fighting against climate change. Just under Costa Rica and Morocco but above the United Kingdom and the Philippines.
The country has set some impressive goals for itself, wanting to phase out coal by 2030 and becoming carbon neutral by 2050. To further preserve its coast, Portugal has also made plans for shoreline rehabilitation projects which are combating the issue of climate change related coastal erosions many popular beaches are affected by, with some shorelines retreating up to 100 metres.
Coastal Communities are affected by climate change in many different ways. Our oceans are the warmest they have been since humans have started tracking their temperatures. A rise in temperature severely affects marine life and ecosystems that are vital to this earth. But also rising sea levels, coastal flooding, storm surges, oceanic acidification, shoreline erosions and water pollution are threatening our ocean life. Surfers and fishermen can see the effects on their beaches every day.
According to the 2019 Climate Change Performance Index, the five surfing countries doing the worst job at tackling climate change are the United States, Australia, South Africa, Indonesia and Ireland.
As an individual there are many things you can do to help combat climate change related issues. Surf in countries fighting climate change, reduce food waste and reuse and recycle as many items as possible and, if financially feasible, support charities that preserve costal ecosystems.