In a televised debate between Rui Rio and André Ventura, broadcast on SIC, the leader of Chega accused the president of PSD of wanting to be “the deputy prime minister of António Costa”.

In the debate, Rio admitted that if Chega has a “very high” number of votes, it will make it difficult to replace António Costa in power, calling for a “useful and reasonable” vote with the PSD party.

"I don't want to get into power at any price", assured Rio, saying that it is "impossible" to form a government coalition with Chega, since the two parties have "substantial differences".

During the debate André Ventura reiterated that “he will do anything” to remove António Costa from power and expressed his availability for a dialogue with Rui Rio in the post-election period.

“No one votes for Chega to be the PSD's crutch, for us it is necessary to talk to have a Government that removes António Costa, Chega is available to talk after January 30”, he assured.