The platform “enables all Ukrainian citizens and their family members (household), as well as any foreign citizen residing in Ukraine, to make an online request for temporary protection of one year, extendable for two periods of six months”, according to SEF.

During the process for temporary protection in Portugal, citizens who request it have access to tax, Social Security and National Health Service numbers, so they can benefit from these services and enter the job market.

The platform also contains information on other aspects of reception and integration of displaced people.

Portugal has so far granted more than 7,200 requests for temporary protection to people coming from Ukraine as a result of the war situation, the Foreigners and Borders Service (SEF) revealed to Lusa.

According to the latest update, SEF has accepted 7,225 requests for temporary protection since the beginning of Russia's invasion of Ukraine on February 24.

By the end of Friday last week, 6,178 requests had been registered.

The Portuguese Government grants temporary protection to people coming from Ukraine as a result of the war situation.