Several species are seen here, but only
three species breed in the Algarve, the Booted, the Bonelli's and the
The Booted Eagle is relatively
small with a wingspan of 110 to 132cm, and are migratory, living here during
the breeding season in open forests and hilly terrain, and travel south during
Next up is Bonelli’s Eagle with a
wingspan of up to 180cm. Their legs are unusually long, and the feet and talons
are enormous for their size. Researchers discovered that this species hunts in
tandem with their mating partner, and it’s likely that this is done to
strengthen the pair’s relationship. They hunt a wide selection of prey,
including mammals, lizards, and smaller birds.
Short-Toed Eagles are next, with a wingspan of 162 to 195cm. Sometimes
called Short-Toed Snake Eagles, they primarily eat reptiles and occasionally
birds and mammals. If they attempt to snatch a snake too large to pick up,
they’ll fight it on the ground with beak and talons until the snake dies.
Spanish Imperial Eagles
Spanish Imperial Eagles are here too, with a wingspan of up to 220cm, and are
only found on the Iberian Peninsula. Their population is very low and, until
recently, they were considered critically endangered. This species prefers dry,
mature forests as its habitat.
Seen also in Portugal is the Golden
Eagle. These are impressively huge with a massive wingspan of up to 2.3m,
with a head that seems small for the body but includes a wickedly hooked beak,
and are fast expert hunters, feeding on small mammals.
They typically mate for life, and to
impress a female, a male might pick up a stick or a rock and fly up high, only
to drop it and then swoop down to catch it before it lands.
One eagle you won’t see here is the Harpy
Eagle, as these are found in and around South America, and are currently
listed as Near Threatened by the IUCN.
A bird measuring 1m from beak to tail,
with a wingspan of 2m (a standard door is this height for comparison), legs the
size of a small child’s wrist, and talons the size of grizzly bear claws, eats
just about anything it wants to!
The deadly talons of a harpy eagle’s
curved, back talons are larger than grizzly bear claws at 13cm long and can
exert several hundred pounds of pressure (over 50kg), crushing the bones of its
prey and instantly killing its victim.
In hunting mode, the eagles can turn
their heads 180 degrees to face upward while flying through the dense
rainforest and can fluff up their head feathers, to create an acoustic funnel
to direct sound to their ears.
It may not be the largest bird of prey
(the Andean condor fills that slot with a wingspan measuring 3m), but this
raptor is definitely the heaviest and most powerful of birds.
It is great at saving energy and will
fly below the forest canopy, using its great talons to snatch up monkeys and
sloths that can weigh up to 7.7kg.
A harpy is capable, in a serious chase,
of reaching speeds of 80 km per hour and dives down onto its prey and snatches
it with outstretched feet.
Like most eagles, the female is almost
twice as large as the male. They mate for life and will make a nest around 2.7m
feet from the ground. Interestingly, the female lays two eggs - but once the
first hatches, she stops warming the second, and it will not hatch.
Both parents spend time protecting and
raising their chick until it fledges, usually within 6 or 7 months, though it
returns to the nest over the following 6-10 months for an occasional free meal!
A harpy pair will produce a chick every
2-4 years. Young ‘harpies’ reach sexual maturity by the age of 5 and given the
chance, will live up to 35 years.
Eagle eyesight is 4 to 8 times stronger
than ours, so if you can see them, they can undoubtedly see you!
Marilyn writes regularly for The Portugal News, and has lived in the Algarve for some years. A dog-lover, she has lived in Ireland, UK, Bermuda and the Isle of Man.