Between 2018 and 2022, the percentage of seniors with online browsing habits grew by 20 percentage points, reaching the mark of 41 percent.

These are some of the conclusions of Bareme Internet, by Marktest, released for World Internet Day and reported by ECO.

According to the study, on average, 81% of the Portuguese already regularly accessed the Internet in 2022, a percentage that is total (100%) among the Portuguese of Generation Z (between 15 and 24 years old) and Generation Y (25 to 44 years old). The values, however, decrease in the following ages, to an average of 84% among Generation X (ages between 45 and 64 years old).

Among the youngest, from Generation Z, all use a mobile phone to stay online, a figure that drops by just two percentage points in Generation Y and drops to 81% in Generation X. Among the oldest, over 65 years old, only 35% of those who access the internet use smartphones to do so.

As mentioned by Marktest in a statement, and by crossing data from Bareme Internet with data from Barômetro E-Commerce, it appears that younger people are also those who buy the most online.

On average, 61% of Portuguese said they had already shopped online. As would be expected, this is also the case among the younger generations that the percentages show higher values, namely in Generation Z (92%) and Y (90%). This habit is not as common among Generation X and those over 65, with figures falling to 52% and 35%, respectively.