World Youth Day will begin on Tuesday and span six days, with an estimated one million to 1.5 million people gathering in Lisbon to celebrate their faith. Pope Francis will host various events with young people throughout the meeting.
On Wednesday, Pope Francis will land at Lisbon's Figo Maduro Airport, where he will be greeted by a government entourage. Then you will continue to the Palace of the President of the Portuguese Republic in Belém.
During the afternoon of the same day, the Pope will meet with the Prime Minister and subsequently preside at the Vespers prayers at the Jerónimos Monastery, accompanied by members of the clergy and institutes of Consecrated Life.
On Thursday morning, the Pope will have the first meeting with young university students at the headquarters of the Portuguese Catholic University, followed by a visit to the headquarters of Scholas Occurentes in Cascais. The moment most awaited by WYD pilgrims will take place in Parque Eduardo VII, with the welcoming ceremony at 6 p.m.
Friday marks an emotional moment, with the confession of some young people before the Pope in the Vasco da Gama Garden. This day will also be marked by a meeting of the Pope with leaders of more than a dozen representatives of other religious denominations on Portuguese soil. The afternoon will culminate with a lunch with young people from different countries and the celebration of the Way of the Cross in Parque Eduardo VII.
On Saturday, Pope Francis headed north of Lisbon to the Shrine of Fatima, where he will recite the rosary with sick young people in the Chapel of the Apparitions. He will return to the capital during the afternoon for a few more meetings with clerics, ending the day with Mass in the Tagus Park, next to the Tagus River, at 20:45.
On Sunday, the last day of WYD, the Pope will preside at the final Mass and, in the afternoon, will have another meeting scheduled, this time with the volunteers of the day, at the Passeio Marítimo de Algés.
WYD is more than just a meeting of the young people of the world with the Pope. It is a pilgrimage, a youth festival, an expression of the universal Church and a remarkable moment of evangelization for global youth, as highlighted by the organization of the event.
The main initiatives of WYD will take place in the emblematic places of Lisbon, such as Parque Eduardo VII, the Belém area and the Tagus Park (north of Parque das Nações and on land in the municipalities of Lisbon and Loures).
May this week be an unforgettable occasion for all the faithful who will unite in Portugal, driven by faith and the joy of celebrating World Youth Day alongside Pope Francis.
Paulo Lopes is a multi-talent Portuguese citizen who made his Master of Economics in Switzerland and studied law at Lusófona in Lisbon - CEO of Casaiberia in Lisbon and Algarve.

This is an awesome event and is so inspiring to all of us throughout the world.
By Lisa from Other on 01 Aug 2023, 18:12