Just under half of all Portuguese say they are unable to accumulate any savings, with this figure rising to 60 percent for people with children. According to the annual European Consumer Payment Report, Poles are least likely to save, followed by Hungary, Italy, Greece and Portugal.
Portuguese among Europeans who struggle most to save
in News · 29 Oct 2020, 11:40 · 2 Comments
The problem is the ridiculous minimum wage,that we have a country of old people and the young leg it abroad, I would double the minimum wage overnight, and folks would still spend it all, 1st you get double iva back, the the doubling of business tax because folk would spend their money, and the young would stay. And the country would advance rapidly.
By Karl blore from Algarve on 29 Oct 2020, 16:40
There's not a lot you can put aside when salaries are low and living costs are high. All the focus seems to be on attracting wealthy foreigners and companies to prop up the economy one way or the other, while local people lose out. The young generation needs a brighter future in their own country, starting with higher education, diverse career prospects, affordable housing.
By Annie from Algarve on 30 Oct 2020, 10:54