"Because it is forbidden to remove the fins of the sharks on board the ships and to keep on board, transshipment or disembark them, the master of the vessel and the company responsible for the vessel have been identified. It was also prepared the respective notice of contrarotation, who’s fine can reach 25,000 euros", said GNR in a statement.

In the note, it is explained that the practice of removing fins "contributes to the excessive mortality" of the species, threatening its future sustainability. "The practice of 'shark fin removal' is to remove the fins from sharks and return the remaining body part to the sea, where the animal eventually sinks, bleeding to death or suffocating," it is said.

According to GNR, the European Union (EU) is one of the largest exporters of fins and an important transit platform for world fin trade, although it is an illegal practice. "GNR competes daily for the effort to end the trade of fins in the EU, including the import, export and transit of fins that are not naturally attached to the animal's body," he said. The 83 fins seized and the 21 kilograms of shark were delivered to the Portuguese Institute of Sea and Atmosphere (IPMA) for analysis.