One way that crypto experts try to prevent malicious attacks on the crypto network is by having a more secure system. For instance, there is what they call “cryptocurrency difficulty” that makes verification of digital transactions more challenging among miners, yet it can improve the security of the network. Attackers would need enormous resources to manipulate or take control of the whole system. It ensures that all participants can mine and trade cryptos in a more secure manner.

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Understanding Cryptocurrency Difficulty

Blockchain network is prone to malicious attacks. In fact, there have already been cases of hacking and theft in many digital trading platforms, which resulted in millions of assets lost. The technology that facilitates such transactions is not perfect, although the security features are being upgraded to address any loopholes. On matters involving network security, the concept of cryptocurrency difficulty is an important one.

Basically, it is a measure of how difficult a mining process is in a blockchain for a specific cryptocurrency. The higher the crypto difficulty, the greater the computing power is needed to verify transactions that enter on a blockchain. This is also being applied as a parameter to keep the average time between blocks steady as the crypto network’s hash power changes. For security concerns, the system is deemed crucial to safeguard the network against malicious attacks.

Cryptocurrency difficulty keeps the system secure and represents the computing power needed to mine a block. The network stability is also maintained in the process as the time required to find a new block is subject to it and also algorithm operations. Measuring the cryptocurrency difficulty of a new block would require an understanding of the hash power. This represents the combined computational power used in mining and processing the transactions on the blockchain.

What are Random Hashes?

A hash refers to the alphanumeric code used to represent words or data. Crypto miners would usually take a batch of data and run it through a hash algorithm which functions to create random hash codes. Before new data is added to the blockchain, miners must compete to produce a hash lower or equal to a numeric value. The basic requirement in this process is that a hash must correspond to the difficulty.

Individual miners and mining pools contribute to the computational power through mining rigs to process the data and produce the hashes. The hash power of a network represents the total hash rates of the mining rigs. However, it would take millions of hashes before the numeric value can be met and new coins are given to the successful miner, primarily because each hash is created randomly. In certain ways, the hashing process works similarly to the lottery system.

Advantages of Cryptocurrency Difficulty

The improved stability and security of the blockchain network are the major benefits of cryptocurrency difficulty. This encourages a secure and efficient flow of digital transactions. To understand how the system achieves this end, below are brief discussions on the matter:

  • Steady Rate of New Blocks - blockchain network needs to produce a new block at a steady average rate; thus, the software is set to automatically adjust the target hash above or below a certain level, resulting in higher or lower difficulty. One example of a pre-set crypto platform is bitcoin which adds a new block to the blockchain every 10 minutes on average.

  • Network Security - when there is a higher cryptocurrency difficulty, more hashes are needed to reach the target hash requirement. This process makes it very difficult and expensive for attackers to gain control of the blockchain network.


The foregoing facts simply show how important and beneficial the cryptocurrency difficulty is in maintaining the integrity and stability of the blockchain network. However, as new challenges threaten the security of digital platforms, system upgrades are always necessary to keep the trust and confidence of crypto investors and traders.