“I think you should investigate, but not break the law. The law must not suffer because of this. In Spain there were also problems and there are always people who take advantage; now, the whole world doesn't have to pay for it. It is not the law that should disappear or be blamed, but the people who prevaricate”, the author, who has already joined the direction of the Israeli Community of Lisbon (CIL), told Lusa.

Reaffirming that she sees “it is a good idea to investigate”, the specialist in Jewish themes admitted her “pity for the situation” of the Israeli Community of Porto/Jewish Community of Porto (CIP/CJP), in which members of the board were searched. and Rabbi Daniel Litvak was detained by the authorities last week, on suspicion of the crimes of trafficking in influence, active corruption, document forgery, money laundering, qualified tax fraud and criminal association.

Despite this feeling, Esther Mucznik stressed that this case “is not yet proven” and the rabbi and religious leader of the CIP/CJP should not be tried before the evidence obtained in the investigation phase.

Daniel Litvak was responsible for the vast majority (about 88% between 2015 and 2020, according to data from the Ministry of Justice) of the requests certified in this period and submitted to the Instituto dos Registos e Notariado (IRN).


“What the law really requires is documentary and cultural evidence of Sephardic Jewish ancestry from the time of the Inquisition, that is, people who were forced to flee by inquisitorial persecutions and forced conversions. It's not easy, but it can be done. CIL takes the necessary time to prove this ancestry”, maintained the coordinator of the installation commission of the Jewish Museum, in Lisbon.

Highlighting the work of the community based in the Portuguese capital, where “more than 10 historians” and genealogists analyze and decide all requests that enter the services, Esther Mucznik recalled the interpretation of the law by the CIL and some of the main differences from the activity of the CIP /CJP, which certified the vast majority of these processes.

Abramovich investigation

The disclosure of the acquisition of Portuguese nationality by businessman Roman Abramovich, in December 2021, through the Público newspaper, resulted in the opening of two investigations: one by the Public Ministry of the Central Department of Investigation and Criminal Action (DCIAP) and another by the Public Prosecutor himself.