The Government admits a possible revision of prices and reimbursements and the Portuguese Pharmaceutical Industry Association (Apifarma) warns that this should happen within a maximum period of one month.

"I would say it will be another month and there will have to be this review ", said Nelson Pires, from the direction of Apifarma, in statements to RTP.

In question, is the news advanced over the weekend by Público, noting that distributors are asking for drug prices to rise, since inflation and costs related to fuel and energy are now higher.

In addition to the financial sustainability of the sector, there is also the risk of shortages of medicines on the market. The Ministry of Health explained that "a possible revision of prices and reimbursements is being considered".

However, in an interview with Antena 1 and Jornal deNegócios, on Sunday, the Minister of Health, Manuel Pizarro, admitted that the Government will proceed with the upward revision of drug prices, as the industry intends, but warns that the increase in drug expenditure cannot exceed GDP growth.

"The country cannot support an increase in the drug bill like the one that has occurred in the last two years. We need an agreement with the industry that clearly imposes a limit on the overall expenditure of the State in this matter", said Manuel Pizarro.

The Minister of Health also said that negotiations would start next month, after the Government had included in the income and competitiveness agreement the objective of "considering" a review of the regulated prices of goods and services paid for by public health.