“Saying today that young people cannot be exempt from the IMT, which is a tax that can go up to 8,000 euros when buying a house, I think is something so unfair, so unfair, so unfair, that I will take, again, this proposal and I think or hope that the opposition does not have the courage to go against a proposal that is essential for our young people”, declared Carlos Moedas.
As part of the presentation of the Lisbon Municipal Housing Charter, the mayor assured that the municipal housing policy in the capital “is not ideological”, but rather with a diversified vision of measures, which includes municipal construction, cooperatives and the private involvement.
The mayor of Lisbon assured that the exemption from the Municipal Tax on the Transfer of Real Estate (IMT) to young people up to 35 years old for the acquisition of their own housing, to the maximum amount of 250 thousand euros, “is part of this diverse range of proposals”.
“We have to fight these ideological forces, so I will take the chamber meeting and, if someone attacks me saying that I am ideological, we have the proof here that I am not”, declared the social democrat, listing the various measures taken by the municipality in the area of housing, from the attribution of affordable housing to the municipal subsidy for renting.
As part of the vote on the municipal budget proposal for 2023, on November 30, the IMT exemption, presented by the PSD/CDS-PP leadership, which governs without an absolute majority, was rejected with the votes against of all opposition councilors, namely PS, PCP, Citizens for Lisbon, BE and Livre.