In the strike notice addressed to the General Directorate of Employment and Labor Relations (DGERT), the Association of Private Security Companies (AESIRF) and the Business Security Association (AES), these workers demand "a salary increase of 9.5% for private security professionals, aiming to value the work of these employees and adapt salaries to the current economic reality".

Stressing that the strike and the demonstrations scheduled for Lisbon, Porto and Portimão aim at "a significant improvement in the working and salary conditions of workers in the sector", the ASSP, in addition to the salary increase, says it intends to "improve working conditions, guaranteeing an environment that is to work in”.

The concentrations, which the union association says they want to be “a moment of unity and solidarity among private security professionals”, will all take place from 10:00, in Lisbon, in front of the headquarters of AESIRF - National Association of Security Companies; in Porto in front of the security services company Prestibel; and in Portimão in front of the Aqua Shopping Center.