“At a geographical level, only the Algarve records an increase in the number of constitutions, especially in the Accommodation and catering sector (+25 constitutions; +58%)”, highlights Informa D&B, in the statement reported by Publituris.
The Accommodation and catering sector was, in January 2024, one of the only ones to show an increase in the creation of new companies, with 501 companies created across the country and an increase of 0.2%, along with Construction, which was the sector that stood out the most, with an increase of 6.1% and 663 more companies.
In January, the country saw the creation of 4,929 companies, which represents a drop of 8.3% compared to the same month in 2023.
Informa D&B highlights that January is “historically” the month that “concentrates the largest number of constitutions”, but, this year, it was marked by a “retreat”, which was “transversal to almost all sectors of activity”.
“The Transport sector, which recorded very significant growth in 2022 and 2023, fell by 23% (-141 constitutions), while Business Services, the sector with the highest number of constitutions, fell by 15% (-143 constitutions)”.