That special Christmas festive day for all the Portuguese. “Jackie our treasurer is also her neighbour raised the alarm.” A great shock to the small community north of Portimão.
Jenny Clarke, President, has known Zélia for many years. “She started with APAA as a volunteer at the shelter in 1987. Her passion for abandoned animals shone, especially for the felines. “Cat-colonies became her dedicated reason for living. Taking on Silves Prison Authorities, to get the inmates to build cat houses for the ever-increasing cats.” Jenny accompanied Zélia on many forays seeking, trapping and sterilising the cats before returning them to their colonies. “Sometimes, the suffering sickie of the gang would end up at Zélia’s to be nursed and re-homed.”
There isn’t enough time or space to relate the stories and many campaigns Zélia and her loyal team have taken on over the years. Her experience with animals pushed her onwards eventually becoming the ‘Helpline’ Manager, not an enviable task. If that line was blocked her own telephone became the next reach out for assistance and help. Leaving no call unattended. “Her work with the Câmara and the donations was outstanding.” It is no wonder that Zélia will be missed. “She filled so many gaps in our work day. Collections, donations, cat-colonies.” Animal activist and pioneer of SniP (Spaying & Neutering Programme). Her work took first place often spending hours in the pre-dawn darkness waiting for the nocturnal cats to return. Loving every challenge and never shirking the task ahead. “I think she went through dozens of pairs of gloves. Even with her long-time experience she always had scratches and bite marks up her arms across ankles.” Jenny smiles at the memory. “When we finished up a trapping session and covered the cages, another success, weary but triumphant!”
Zélia leaves behind a son and daughter. Many friends and colleagues who will remember her tenacity and devotion to the cause. “She has 30 cats and 6 dogs. All of which will need re-homing.” In the meantime, Jenny and her APAA helpers will step up to the plate and use up their motto’s name ‘Here to Help’. Can you help re-home one of her loved ones?

If, indeed you feel you can help APAA as a volunteer, with their cat trapping, ‘Helpline’ or any other task, please contact Jenny and let her know what you think you can offer to help a small dedicated team of animal lovers. Although Zélia worked single-handed on the ‘Helpline’ we may well have to re-think, a Portuguese/English speaking team working on a rota system. Perhaps.