Speaking to journalists, Pedro Nuno emphasised that the origin of those who commit crimes does not matter.
“Regarding the confusion that is often made about the nationality of a criminal, what is important for us is that regardless of the origin of the person committing a crime, security and justice must act relentlessly,” he said.
Pedro Nuno was responding to a question from journalists about the alleged rape, in the early hours of Sunday, of an Italian tourist in the Martim Moniz area, in Lisbon.
“Regardless of the origin of the person committing the crime, it is not the origin that is relevant, what is relevant is the crime and we have to ensure that it does not exist or that we can reduce it to the minimum levels that are possible”, he added.
He mentioned that security is a “central concern” for the socialists, arguing that during the PS government security “was greater than in other periods”
“In fact, the last Socialist Party government managed to reduce violent crime and even increase the perception of security and safety among the Portuguese people. And it is essential that it be preserved,” he concluded.
Of course the nationality for him does not matter. He, together with PCP, BE were the ones bringing these criminals. So it's not convenient for him to uncover the reality, because it will destroy his agenda and make him guilty. Such a useless and garbage of person he is.
By Sebastas from Beiras on 22 Jan 2025, 13:24
"Speaking to journalists, Pedro Nuno emphasised that the origin of those who commit crimes does not matter."
What a desperate attempt to ignore the room's elephant.
By Shawn from Lisbon on 22 Jan 2025, 15:59
At last! Someone addresses the narrow-minded mentality and ignorant prejudice in Portugal. Crimes that involve brown skinned people are reported as "Indians" - even though they may be from Pakistan, Bangladesh or India - or maybe even Portuguese! It should not matter. Darker skinned as "Africans" - same problem. But the lighter skinned criminals seem not be named and shamed, and grouped with any region. A complete disgrace - yes, police should be finding criminals and arresting them but the media should not be reinforcing unhelpful stereotypes. Hardworking and honest people should be welcomed irrespective of their looks or ethnicity. A disgrace when Portugal keeps claiming to be so welcoming...
By Jo Walker from Lisbon on 22 Jan 2025, 20:47
Yes, socialists everywhere want to hide that immigrants from certain countries have a violent-crime rate many times higher than locals or Westerners because it is taboo for them to question immigration or their dogma that all cultures are the same. I hope we don't end up with German or British crime rates in Portugal.
By Thomas Frost from Porto on 23 Jan 2025, 10:38