In a statement, the Circle of Character and Tradition Shops, created by the LX Citizenship Forum civic movement, said “it is the circle’s main concern to achieve justice for a number of shops that, for their history and undeniable quality, are a point of reference for the city and for lisboetas, and a differentiating factor for Lisbon in terms of tourism and culture, thus avoiding contributing to the further worsening of a crisis that could mean, in the long term, the closure of many of these stores.”
The circle has asked the parishes of Misericórdia, Avenidas Novas, Alvalade, Santa Maria Maior, Santo António e São Vicente to approve in their parish assembles the exemption of taxes for the occupation of public spaces for around 50 shops that make up the movement.
At the heart of the matter are fees that apply to the occupation of public spaces for the likes of sporadic events, placing A-boards on pavements, erecting shop fronts and illuminated advertising signs, and plant pots, among others.
In 2014 Lisbon town hall decentralised the charging of the taxes to local parishes.
The Circle also suggests that the exemption covers other historic shops throughout the city, namely those elected by Lisbon council to bear the ‘Shops with History’ brand.