Of the 57 analysed, 19 present water availability below 40% and four above 80%. The watersheds of Sado (35.8%), Mira (40.6%), Oeste (42.8%), Ave and Arade (48.3%) and Guadiana (56.4%) also presented at the end of September less water availability.

The Algarve had the lowest water availability at the end of September, with 14.6%. This watershed is in red, that is, with values ??well below the average. However, the water reserves in the Algarve are sufficient to ensure public supply and although the levels of the dams are low, there are no restrictions on consumption, a source from Water of Algarve told Lusa News Agency.

“The data we have regarding the water that needs to supply the population of the Algarve, which is in the order of 72 million cubic meters, and based on the current reserves are, plus underground abstractions, allows us to guarantee that, for now, there is no forecast of any type of constraint to supply, either in quantity or in quality”, assured Teresa Fernandes, responsible for the company that manages the multi-municipal public water supply system in the Algarve.