We need help, your help and all we want for Christmas:

• Support us by donating towards 10 traps, €116 and 10 transfer cages, € 37.

• Support us by donating cat and dog food for the cat colonies and street dogs

• Support us by donating our items on our AMAZON wish list

• Support us by buying our calendars and cards

• Support us by having a money jar in your shop/bar/restaurant

• Support us by buying from our online shop on Animal Aid Associacao Protetora dos Animais (facebook)

Please check out our new online ‘webshop’ on facebook: Animal Aid Associação Protetora dos Animais, where you can purchase our SOSAA car sunscreens, mugs, aprons, pens, calendars, cards along with nearly new second hand items that have been kindly donated.

How can you help?
By Buying one of our calendars:There are 2 to choose from:
1. Kate Calendar
2. Algarve Art Calendar
They are € 10 each, excl. shipping cost. We can send by mail to you, we ship around the world, please email us:

To donate
Animal Aid Associação Protetora dos Animais – SOS Algarve Animals
Charity Number/NIPC: 510205372
Email: info@sosalgarveanimals.com
Website: sosalgarveanimals.com

Bankinter, Almancil, PT SWIFT: BKBKPTPL
IBAN: PT50 0269 0188 00203 518627 03