“Of the total number of unemployed people throughout 2020, 31.3% (109.6 thousand) remained in that state one year later (in 2021), while 48.8% (171.3 thousand) moved into employment and 19.9% (69.9 thousand) moved to inactivity”, indicate the statistics on flows between labour market states.

Among the short-term unemployed in 2020, 57.2% (133.8 thousand) moved into employment within a year (in 2021). In the same period, 32.1% (37.5 thousand) of those who had been unemployed for 12 or more months moved into employment.

In quarterly terms, of the total number of people who were unemployed in the third quarter of 2021, more than half (52.8%: 168.2 thousand) remained in that state in the fourth quarter, while 27.1% (86.5 thousand) moved for employment and 20.1% (64.0 thousand) for inactivity.