Portugal was one of these countries. But, despite this growth, there were fewer jobs available than the community average, according to a report by ECO.
“In the second quarter of 2023, the rate of available jobs was 3% in the euro area, below the 3.1% recorded in the previous quarter and the 3.2% recorded in the second quarter of 2022. The rate of available jobs in the EU was 2.7% in the second quarter of 2023, below the 2.8% recorded in the previous quarter and the 3% recorded in the second quarter of 2022,” explains Eurostat.
The rate in question refers to the percentage of vacant jobs in the total number of jobs (free and occupied).
Between April and June, in the single currency area and in the community bloc, this indicator was higher in services (3.3% and 3%, respectively) than in industry and construction (2.6% and 2.4%), this being the industrial sector (also in Portugal) is experiencing some difficulties with the reduction in orders as a result of the global uncertainty scenario.
Among the Member States for which data is available, the Netherlands recorded the highest rate of available jobs (4.7%), followed by Belgium (4.6%) and Austria (4.4%).
Bulgaria and Romania recorded the lowest percentage of vacant jobs in total jobs (0.8%). And also in Spain, Poland (both with 0.9%) and Slovakia, jobs are scarce.
In turn, Portugal recorded a job vacancy rate of 1.5%, below the community average and the single currency area, but above the previous month's value (+0.1 percentage points). This guaranteed the country a place among the four Member States where job vacancies increased in the second quarter, alongside Greece (+0.4 percentage points), Cyprus (+0.2 percentage points) and Italy (+ 0.1 percentage points).
In contrast, in most European countries (19 Member States), the second half of the first semester was synonymous with a reduction in the rate of available jobs. The biggest declines were recorded in the Czech Republic (-1.2 percentage points), Denmark, Luxembourg and Finland (all with -0.8 percentage points).